Brayansong's Blog

He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.

About Me

Welcome! Here's a little introduction about me.

Brayan Song

CEO & Founder of EZOZ (Easy-Aussie 澳洲华人平台)
I am a entrepreuner who is constantly looking forward to solve social problems using technoglogies. I love to write articles and share my thoughts. There's no end in one's life story but new chapter.


What I Provide And Work On

More than 4 years of experience, HTML is the key language of web page development. Always a good friend to partner with to provide web development service.

Consider CSS as the 'makeup' of HTML. I use to work with CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap and Bulma, to provide better user experience design and feature.

Has been working with WordPress from 2016 and still the favorite CMS that my Client and I love the most. WordPress was used to deliver better easy-to-use services.

Majority of back-end systems operate with Linux, as Linux provides a lot of flexibility in customization. I use to manage Linux Server to provide VPN and other service well.

Learning journey of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) has never come to an end. I always keep myself updated with news, trends and practice my analysis skills, to provide better services.

I enjoy reading and like to write articles and essays. Believes in the power of word. Experienced in writing and publishing article online.

Technical Skill Sets

Things That I'm Good At


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Setup Webmin in Centos7

How to Setup Webmin in CentOs 7

Introduction – What is Webmin Webmin is an open source modern, web control panel for any Linux machine. Webmin is very similar to cPanel, it allows you to administer your server through a simple GUI (Graphic User Interface) interface. With Webmin, you can update settings, manage and monitor your server easily. Key Takeouts In this article, you will learn how […]

Online Community Regulating Behaviours and Dealing with Newcomer

  Enough of GitHub? Alright, allow me to introduce you another famous online platform created for developers. Here it comes! Welcome, Stack Overflow! In order to provide the best quality of this blog, I created a new account on Stack Overflow and experience how they treat and deal with newcomers. Stack Overflow vs GitHub I hope you had a deep […]

Online Community Encouraging Commitment

  If you follow my blog you might have gone through the post about encouraging contribution. I have always been discussing on GitHub an online platform for developers. Are you ready to know about how GitHub encourage commitment? Read through this post and you might understand. Contribution vs Commitment So you might have questioning about the difference between contribution and […]

Online Community Encouraging Contributions

  From my last blog post, we discuss about what is online community, characteristics of it, human psychology which also can be understand as social psychology or psychology of community in this case. I also mentioned about keys to create a success online community, today we are going deeper into this. We are going deeper into my favourite online community […]

Online Community

  Online community also known as internet community is a virtual community where allows its members or guests to interact with each other via internet. Cambridge Dictionary define it as ‘a group of people who use a particular internet service or belong to a particular group on the internet’. Usually in order to interact with other member in the community […]

Hashtag or Bashtag

  Unless you are totally not interacting with social media, if you does, you probably had heard before hashtag. Hashtag starts with the symbol ‘#’. Hashtag became clickable in 2009, which allows user to redirect to a link with all related content with the hashtag. Studies shows that 70% consumers are motivated to explore new content when hashtags are present. […]